Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hi All

This is about my journey in Weight Loss Surgery. RNY Gastric Bypass.
In 2002 my friend Mae from high school had told me that she was having the surgery. I had, had it in the back of my mind for some time but never though too serious about it. She sent me some info on it and I did some research on the net. A few years later in passing mentioned it to my doctor to see if our (military insurance)covered it. An they did so he got me started in the process. I had to do a year of seeing the dietaition and seeing the shrink and other doctors. Then at the end of my year and it was time for me to see a doctor that did the bypass surgery. Well it got canceled. Reason being that our doctors (we are retired military so my doctors were on post) were going to Iraq and they had no back up doctors to take care of a bypass patient. I got very depressed and gained 30 lbs. Not a good thing to do.
A few years later hubby read in his army paper that they were doing the bypass surgerys again. I jumped on that and got an appointment with my doctor. He got the ball rolling on it and sense I had already done the previous things to qualify for the surgery he set up an appoinment for me to see the bypass doctor in Anchorage. I was all set for my new journey. WOW what a ride it has been.
So on January 20, 2009 I had my RNY gastric bypass. I am 7 months out and 78 pounds lighter. I don't regret my decicion to have it done.

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